Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Book 4: "Robinson Crusoe" by Daniel Defoe

I needed another "easy" book to help get back on schedule after vacation threw me so far off.  I was originally scheduled to finish this book on August 13th and I'm now 3 days overdue.  At 282 pages, I need to get through 40 pages a day to finish in a week.  More if I want to catch up a bit more.

Update: Finished on August 18th, still 4 days behind.  Great book though.  I was looking for something exactly like this: someone marooned has to recreate civilization from scratch.  The concept is interesting and the execution here is quite good.  You kinda forget that it's fiction and not an account of someone's life.  The other thing that I liked was that, being 300 years old, there were some parts that were a little uncomfortable, dealing with slavery and treatment of native peoples... and, surprisingly, Defoe also seemed uncomfortable with these issues.  Rather progressive for someone writing around 1700.  Anyway, the book holds up to its many years and I highly recommend it to anyone.

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