Monday, May 28, 2012

Book 46: The Last Command by Timothy Zahn

Time to finish off another series.  Seems like I've been doing a lot of that lately.  This one will mark the end of my Star Wars reading for a while.  It's been fun and I'm looking forward to the ending, so here we go.

467 pages makes 67 pages per day.


This was a great finale to a great series.  Finally all of the various plotlines from the first two books are resolved.  The things that were great about the first two books are here as well: characters are written well, stories are complex and interesting, battles are exciting, dialogue is well-written and meaningful.  Some of my favorite parts of this book are the Jedi battles.  In this slightly-expanded Star Wars universe there are already several Jedi or Jedi-in-training: Luke, C'boath, Leia, Mara Jade.  Between them there are at least 3 lightsabers (one of which has a cool history!).  So the final battle between the good Jedi and the bad is exciting and engaging.  This, coupled with the ending of the other plotlines made the conclusion of this series quite satisfying.

The only part of the ending that I thought was not perfect was the space battle.  It built up and built up into a huge event, but eventually ended quite abruptly, with some major events happening "off-screen". This made it a little less satisfying, but still not bad.  The good part about having a well-written ending is that you could easily stop reading here and be finished with Star Wars.  It provides a nice resolution to the film series as well as this series.  Unfortunately, for me, I'm even more interested in the other Star Wars books now and I would actually like to continue reading these.  I know that at some point they become a little silly and I would like to stop before then, but I might give the next few books a try sometime.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Star Wars and, more inclusively to anyone who enjoys science fiction.  There is enough here to engage even those people who are not really into Star Wars and it can be enjoyed as much as any other Space Opera type book.

8 out of 10.

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